Director: Ali Aydin
Screenwriter: Ali Aydin
Producer: Ali Aydin
Having spent the last 29 years of her life in mental institutions and prisons, Rana convinces to be declared harmless for society at her last psychiatric appointment and is released. Thus, at the age of 65 she sets an end to her life as a convict that started at 34. However, neither Rana is the same, nor the world as she knew it. Whatever crime Rana has committed seems to be so terrible that no one is able to put it into words. Whoever runs into Rana tries to avoid her. No one has the courage to be alone with her. Yes, Rana has committed a grave criminal act, but according to her, she is not the only one guilty in this. She has partners in crime. For 29 years she has looked after and settled accounts with herself. Now it is time to call her accessories to account.