12 Punto is Türkiye’s largest script development and co-production platform.

It aims to support projects at the scenario stage, to provide Turkish cinema with qualified scenarios, and to transform these projects into films. It brings the project owners together with the important names of the international film industry and supports the festival and distribution stages of the films.


12 Punto each year in the selection of experienced directors and producers as well as from Türkiye and the world, it places new film projects of young talents at the beginning of his career.

In addition to feature film projects, short film projects can also apply to 12 Punto. Applications for feature scenarios are required to be made by a production company, but for the short film category, individual applications are also accepted.


For Feature Projects:

  • 3 Projects: TRT Co-Production Award
  • 3 Projects: TRT Pre-Buy Award
  • 6 Projects: TRT Project Development Award
  • TRT International Co-Production Awards

For Short-Length Projects:

  •  6 Projects: TRT Short Film Production Award


In 12 Punto 2020, one of the master directors of Turkish cinema was awarded the Special TRT Co-Production Award. Thus, 12 Punto, which supports professionals at different stages of their cinema journey, became a co-producer for the projects of experienced and competent directors of Turkish cinema.

Click here to see the project that won Special TRT Co-Production Award at 12 Punto 2020.


The pre-jury consisting of 5 people, independent professionals of Turkish cinema, chooses 12 of the applied projects as finalists. Owners of 12 selected projects attend meetings with the world’s most important script development, pitching and marketing consultants during 12 Punto held in July this year.

After the meetings, they present their projects to the jury consisting of the directors of the most important organizations of the international film industry. Among the 12 projects, the international jury gives TRT Co-Production Award to 3 projects, TRT Pre-Buy Award to 3 projects, TRT Project Development Award to 6 projects.


12 Punto 2019 | Script Development and Pitching Consultants | Jury Members
12 Punto 2020 | Script Development and Pitching Consultants | Jury Members
12 Punto 2021 | Script Development and Pitching Consultants | Jury Members
12 Punto 2022 | Script Development and Pitching Consultants | Jury Members
12 Punto 2023 | Script Development and Pitching Consultants | Jury Members


Since 2020, 12 Punto also supports international film projects in which Turkish producers are attached as minority co-producer. With this award, 12 Punto aims to increase the number and quality of international projects in which the producers are partners; and to pave the way for Turkish cinema to gain a truly international identity.


12 Punto has also been supporting the projects of directors and producers who have produced short films since 2020. Among the applications received in the Short Film category, 6 are entitled to receive the TRT Short Film Production Award.


Each year during the 12 Punto, panels, masterclasses and interviews are held where international film professionals participate and the most important issues and current debates of the cinema industry are discussed.

Start of Applications | January 12, 2024

To apply for 12 Punto, please read the application conditions and fill the form.

Deadline for Applications | February 12, 2024

The application form and system will be accessible until 23:59 on Monday, February 12, 2024.

Pre-Jury Evaluation | February 12 – April 17, 2024

Applications with no missing documents will be evaluated by a pre-jury composed of independent film professionals. The 12 finalist projects selected by the pre-jury will be announced on April 17, 2024.

Announcement of Award-Winning Short Film Projects | April 17, 2024

The jury consisting of cinema professionals will announce the 6 short film projects which were given the TRT Short Film Production Award.

12 Punto 2024 | July 2024

Panels, masterclasses, workshops, talks and screenings will be held with the participation of important names who shape the world cinema industry. Events will be open to all and free.

Owners of the projects that are finalists will attend scenario development, pitching and marketing meetings with international consultants. (These meetings are designed only for the teams of the final projects.)

Presentation of the Finalist Projects to the Jury | July 2024

The 12 finalist teams will present their projects to the international jury. The jury will award TRT Co-Production Award to 3 projects among 12 projects, TRT Pre-Buy Award to 3 projects and TRT Project Development Award to 6 projects.

Announcement of Award Winning Projects and Award Ceremony | July 2024

As a result of the evaluation of the international jury, 6 project owners who won the TRT Co-Production Award and TRT Pre-Buy Award among the 12 projects that made it to the finals will be presented at the ceremony.

1 ♦ Only companies make their applications to 12 Punto by completely filling out the form in the application section on www.trt12punto.com.

2 ♦ Applications to 12 Punto can only be made by legal entities (production company, agency, NGO, etc.).

3 ♦ Legal entities can apply to the 12 Punto with more than one scenario, but each scenario must be applied separately and these applications are evaluated separately.

4 ♦ In the applications to be made to 12 Punto, the number of screenplay pages should be at least 60 pages, considering that the films will be at least 80 minutes.

5♦ Scenarios for applications to be made to 12 Punto must be in PDF format.

6 ♦ In case of missing or incorrect filling of the form in applications to 12 Punto, applications will be excluded from evaluation.

7♦ Scenarios written to be shot in languages other than Turkish can also apply to 12 Punto. However, the copy sent in the application must be in Turkish and the language in which it will be shot must be stated on the cover page of the script.

8 ♦ Works co-authored by more than one screenwriter can also apply to 12 Punto. In this case, all screenwriters must consent to apply to 12 Punto. The applicant author must indicate the names and surnames of the other authors on the application form and on the cover page of the screenplay, and must be authorized to license and authorization from other partners.

9♦ Applications for 12 Punto which do not meet the above-mentioned application conditions or are not prepared in accordance with the script format will be excluded from evaluation.


1 In applications to be made to 12 PUNTO, the applicant company accepts, declares and undertakes that the necessary documents for the use of the rights related to the work or works within the scope of the project have been obtained in accordance with the Law on Intellectual and Artistic Works; If required, it is obliged to submit the related documents to TRT.

2♦ In applications to be made to 12 PUNTO, the Applicant accepts, declares and undertakes that it will not degrade TRT or third parties, it is prepared that it will not be contrary to Turkey Radio and Television Law No. 2954 and that it is subject to the responsibility stipulated in article 28 of the Law No. 2954 and other provisions of this law related to publication, for the protection of human dignity, public order, general morality, mental health of children and young people, it does not contain images and effects incompatible with violence, pornography and human dignity, it does not carry elements contrary to the Broadcasting Principles in the Law on Establishment and Broadcasting Services in Radio and Televisions numbered 6112.

3 ♦ For applications to be made to 12 PUNTO, the scenario sent by the applicant must be free from all copyrights. No request will be made by third parties to TRT, such as the intellectual property law or any other legal source, and all responsibility lies with the applicant.

4 ♦ In applications to be made to 12 PUNTO, the applicant will not make any requests from TRT for the expenses s/he has made or may have arisen for the writing of the script.

5 ♦ If the scenario sent by the applicant contains biography, adaptation or matters that third parties may claim, this must be stated on the cover page of the sent scenario. It is the applicant’s obligation to carry out copyright, legal permission and all other legal proceedings and to obtain the necessary legal documents. These documents must be submitted if they are requested by TRT.

6 ♦ Finalist project owners (Producer and Director) must attend workshops, trainings and other activities to be held within the scope of 12 Punto. Otherwise, projects lose their right to participate in the final presentation.


1 ♦ These terms apply only to the 12 PUNTO call, do not mean that the production contract will be signed or substitute for another contract with any other name.

2 ♦ As a result of 12 PUNTO, the production contract is signed with the projects that have won the co-production award, and the provisions of the production contract are valid after this stage. The fact that the works submitted to the project are included in the scope of evaluation and finalization does not mean that the production contract will be signed and does not put TRT under any liability.

3 ♦ TRT reserves the right to change the articles of this specification, if it wishes.

4 ♦ TRT has full and unconditional discretion over whether the applications made to the project are put into co-production phase and cannot be under any obligation.

5 ♦ The applicant has the right to waive the project until the construction contract is signed.

6 ♦ Within the scope of 12 PUNTO, in the work submitted to TRT by the applicant, in case of any violation of a right and / or interest which is subject to intellectual and / or industrial property protected in accordance with the relevant legislative provisions, any administrative, legal, criminal and financial responsibility belongs to the applicant. The applicant cannot make any requests from TRT in this regard. Nevertheless, if TRT faces a legal sanction, it recovers the relevant parties, provided that other rights are reserved. Upon the request of TRT, the applicant has to inform and document whether the service to be undertaken is the subject of intellectual and industrial property, and if so, the rights and obligations of himself and third parties regarding the matter to TRT. If TRT suffers any damage, danger or loss of rights due to the failure to perform this assignment at all or as required, any loss it incurs is therefore collected and compensated from those concerned, without prejudice to other rights.

7 ♦ If the applicant reaches the finals as a result of the preliminary evaluation, the applicant accepts and declares the messages to be sent to the e-mail declared during the application as notification.

8♦ TRT always reserves the right to give up the 12 Punto project. Those who apply due to withdrawal cannot make any requests.

1 ♦ For the TRT Short Film Production Award within the scope of 12 Punto, individuals complete the form in the application section at www.trt12punto.com and apply.

2 ♦ Within the scope of the 12 Punto, individuals can apply with more than one scenario for the TRT Short Film Production Award, but each scenario must be applied separately, and these applications are evaluated separately.

3 ♦ Scenarios must be in PDF format for applications for TRT Short Film Production Award within the scope of 12 Punto.

4 ♦ Applications for TRT Short Film Production Award within the scope of 12 Punto, if the form is filled in completely or incorrectly, applications will be excluded from evaluation.

5 ♦ Within the scope of 12 Punto, individuals who will apply for the TRT Short Film Production Award can also apply with scripts written to be shot in languages other than Turkish. However, the copy sent in the application must be in Turkish and the language in which it will be shot must be stated on the cover page of the script.

6 ♦ Individuals who will apply for the TRT Short Film Production Award within the scope of 12 Punto can also apply for works co-authored by more than one screenwriter. In this case, all screenwriters must consent to apply to 12 Punto. The applicant author must indicate the names and surnames of the other authors on the application form and on the cover page of the script and must be authorized to license and authorization from other partners.

7 ♦ Within the scope of 12 Punto, applications for the TRT Short Film Production Award that do not meet the above-mentioned application requirements or are not prepared in accordance with the script format will be excluded from evaluation.


1 In applications to be made to 12 PUNTO, the applicant company accepts, declares and undertakes that the necessary documents for the use of the rights related to the work or works within the scope of the project have been obtained in accordance with the Law on Intellectual and Artistic Works; If required, it is obliged to submit the related documents to TRT.

2 ♦ For applications for TRT Short Film Production Award within the scope of 12 Punto, the Applicant accepts, declares and undertakes that it will not degrade TRT or third parties, it is prepared that it will not be contrary to Turkey Radio and Television Law No. 2954 and that it is subject to the responsibility stipulated in article 28 of the Law No. 2954 and other provisions of this law related to publication, for the protection of human dignity, public order, general morality, mental health of children and young people, it does not contain images and effects incompatible with violence, pornography and human dignity, it does not carry elements contrary to the Broadcasting Principles in the Law on Establishment and Broadcasting Services in Radio and Televisions numbered 6112.

3 ♦ For applications for the TRT Short Film Production Award within the scope of 12 Punto, the script sent by the applicant must be free of all copyrights. No request will be made by third parties to TRT, such as the intellectual property law or any other legal source, and all responsibility lies with the applicant.

4♦ In the applications to be made for the TRT Short Film Production Award within the scope of 12 Punto, the applicant will not make any request from TRT for the expenses made or may arise for the scriptwriting.

5 ♦ If the scenario sent by the applicant includes a biography, adaptation or matters that third parties can claim, this must be stated on the cover page of the script sent. It is the applicant’s obligation to carry out copyright, legal permission and all other legal proceedings and to obtain the necessary legal documents. These documents must be submitted if they are requested by TRT.

What is 12 Punto?

12 Punto is Türkiye’s largest script development and co-production platform. It aims to support projects at the script development stage, to provide Turkish cinema with qualified scripts and to transform these projects into films.

In addition to development meetings with script consultants, pitching and marketing workshops, it contributes to the full professionalization of Turkish cinema as a film fund with awards given to 8 projects. Supports projects in the international area. Please click for detailed information.

Where does 12 Punto take place?

12 Punto is a multi-stage platform that takes place between January and July, spread over half of the year. The stage where workshops, and presentations are made and awards are determined is held in Istanbul in July.

Who can apply to 12 Punto?

Applications for feature projects will be accepted through a production company. For short film projects Individual applications will also be evaluated.

How can I apply to 12 Punto?

It is applied by filling out the form in the application section at www.trt12punto.com. Applications are accepted online only.

Why only production companies can apply?

Only legal persons can fulfill the obligations required for feature films. Therefore, applications for feature film projects are accepted through production companies.

Do short filmmakers have to find a production company to apply for?

Short film projects do not have to find a production company to apply to, individual applications are also accepted.

How can independent filmmakers apply?

Independent filmmakers can apply for 12 Punto through a production company.

When do the applications end?

The application form and system will be accessible until 23:59 on Monday, February 12, 2024.

Can the project be edited after the application is made?

Changes can be made on the application form and documents as long as the application system is open, ie until 23:59 on Monday, February 12, 2024. After the application system is closed, no editing can be made on the application form and documents.

How does the process work for feature projects?

After the application process is complete, a preliminary independent and professional jury will select 12 finalists evaluating projects from Türkiye. The 12 finalists will be announced on April 17, 2024. The teams of the selected projects will participate in script development and presentation workshops and will make presentations to the international jury consisting of important filmmakers. The jury will give TRT Co-Production Award to 3 projects, TRT Pre-Buy Award to 3 projects and TRT Project Development Award to 6 projects. Please click for detailed information.

How does the process work for short projects?

6 projects to be selected among the applications received in the Short Film category will be eligible to receive the TRT Short Film Production Award. The 6 award-winning projects will be announced on April 17, 2024. Owners of the selected projects will hold meetings with script consultants during the 12 Punto week to develop their scripts.

Who evaluates the applications?

Projects with no missing application documents and which passed the technical eliminations will be evaluated by a preliminary jury consisting of 5 people who are independent and professional filmmakers from Türkiye. Among the 12 finalist projects selected by the pre-jury, the award winners (as a result of the trainings and presentations) will be determined by the international jury consisting of the important names of the world cinema. The pre-evaluation jury members will be announced on April 17, 2024, when the 12 finalist projects were announced.

How are the winners determined?

It is determined by the independent decision of the international jury consisting of prominent representatives of world cinema and the pre-jury consisting of independent film professionals from Türkiye.

What award is given to the winning projects?

Among the 12 finalists, 3 projects are awarded by the TRT Pre-Buy Award, 3 projects are awarded by the TRT Co-Production Award and 6 projects are awarded by the TRT Project Development Award.

How many projects are awarded?

Among the 12 finalists, 3 projects are awarded by the TRT Pre-Buy Award, 3 projects are awarded by the TRT Co-Production Award and 6 projects are awarded by the TRT Project Development Award.

Is there a specific theme?

There is no specific theme, application can be made on any subject. The content of the projects, the topics mentioned, the themes and characters covered are limited by the imagination of the participants.

Can I apply to 12 Punto with a project in a language other than Turkish?

Yes, it can be applied. There is no language limitation in applications. Scripts written to be shot in languages other than Turkish can apply. However, the script and the application file must be in Turkish, and the language of the film must be specified.

What are the Co-Production Award, Pre-Buy Award and Project Development Award?

TRT Co-Production Award is TRT’s partnership with a certain financial contribution and a certain share to the project. The TRT Pre-Buy Award is the financial support given to the project during the scenario stage in return for the purchase of various screening rights, especially Free TV rights, by TRT for a certain period of time. TRT Project Development Award is a cash award which is given to the filmmakers to support the project’s development process.

Will the applications of international projects (minority co-production) in which Turkish producers are partners with a low share be accepted?

Yes, Turkish producers can apply to 12 Punto to be considered for the TRT International Co-Production Award with their international projects with a low share.

Turkish international project partner (minority co-production) withdrawing a portion of or all of the projects in Türkiye’s application must be billed or shot in Türkiye?

No, there is no principled low 12 Punto will be held in Türkiye must withdraw the project in co-production application. Likewise, there is no obligation to be billed in Türkiye.

Is there a time limit for films for the TRT Short Film Production Award?

Yes, applications for the TRT Short Film Production Award are limited to 30 pages.

Is there a genre limitation regarding the films in the applications for the TRT Short Film Production Award?

No, there is no genre limitation for applications.

Is it possible to apply for the TRT Short Film Production Award with an animated film?

Yes, it can be applied. There is no genre limitation in the applications.

Is it possible to apply for the TRT Short Film Production Award with a horror movie?

Yes, it can be applied. There is no genre limitation in the applications.

When can applications be made for the TRT Short Film Production Award?

Applications for the TRT Short Film Production Award can be made between January 12 and February 12, 2024, until 23:59 on February 12, 2024. For details on short film applications, please click.

When will the results be announced for the TRT Short Film Production Award?

The 6 winning projects will be announced on April 17, 2024. Please click for details.